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Get a cash bonus 

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Earn $50 for each friend who signs up for CRAFT LUX– up to $500 per calendar year.

Please complete the form below and check your email for a Special code to share with friends and family.

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See how easy it is

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to sign up with CRAFT. Start by entering your information in the form above and we’ll provide a link to share.

who signs up with CRAFT LUX with the link you send them (up to 10 referral bonuses per calendar year).

when they sign up for a CRAFT LUX membership and complete qualifying activities related to marketing.

Image by Michael  Mroczek

Join The CRAFT+


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Purchase CRAFT+ separately with two great options - ($4.99/month or $39.99/year). However, CRAFT+ is included in every Annual membership.

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Sign up for our newsletter with success stories and more opportunities to join the CRAFT movement.

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