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  • CRAFT By Better Futures | Better Futures

    Why You'll Love our Plans Free Live Coaching to support your business like never before with tools and personalized guidance. Say goodbye to surprise price increases with a 2-year CRAFT Price guarantee. Unlimited Live courses and Bootcamps that fit your leadership style, experience level and goals. Get access to our streaming library with CRAFT+, CRAFT Cafe Live and Exclusive articles. LEARN MORE ABOUT CRAFT+ CRAFT is an extensive collection of live and streaming courses on core business concepts and trending topics for educators and leaders to reignite your spark and strengthen your business. On-Demand Digital Learning By Better Futures Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results INTRODUCTION TO GRANT WRITING and CRAFT EXECUTIVE INFO SESSION OCT 10th @ 6:30PM Register Free ለመማር አዳዲስ ርዕሶችን ያግኙ ከ CRAFT አባልነት ጋር Starting at $5/month, billed monthly. SUBSCRIBE COMPARE PLANS በ CRAFT አባልነት ለመማር አዳዲስ መንገዶችን ያግኙ NEW LEARN MORE በሚፈልጉበት ጊዜ ወደ የንግድ አዝማሚያዎች ይንኩ። ከአመራር ዘይቤዎ ጋር የሚስማማውን ኮርስ ያግኙ ፣ ግቦች, የልምድ ደረጃ እና የጊዜ ሰሌዳ. Anchor 1 ምስክርነቶች Keith Line | Family Child Care & WAVE Bootcamp Participant ቶሜኮ ራይት፣ የEC ባለቤት | CRAFT አባል "Better Futures የተሳካ የሕፃን እንክብካቤ ንግድን ለማስኬድ ጠቃሚ የገንዘብ እና የንግድ መሳሪያዎችን ያቀርባል።" "በጃሂ ዴቪስ እና ሮበርት ጉንድሊንግ የቀረበው መረጃ በጣም ኃይለኛ እና ለንግድ ስራችን አጋዥ ስለሆነ በእነዚህ ሁለት ባለሙያዎች የሚሰጠውን ማንኛውንም ስልጠና እንዳያመልጥዎት አይፈልጉም። ስኬታቸውን እና እንዴት እንደሰራላቸው ወደፊት ለሚቀጥሉት መሪዎች እንዲያስተላልፉ ማካፈላቸውን ቀጥለዋል። ለዛም ይመስለኛል የተሻለ የወደፊት ተስፋ የሚባለው። ከኋላቸው የሚመጣው የተሻለ የወደፊት ተስፋ እንባላለን። ኢቮን ስቱዋርት፣ የEC ባለቤት | CRAFT አባል " አዲስ፣ ትኩስ እና ጠቃሚ መረጃ፤ ሃሳብን የሚቀሰቅሱ አቅራቢዎች። " ​ ​ Join The CRAFT Movement JOIN NOW ​ ​ Not ready to join the movement but want to stay in touch? Sign up for our newsletter with success stories and more opportunities to join the CRAFT movement. JOIN MAILING LIST Download App

  • CRAFT ACADEMY | Better Futures

    HOME WATCH Explore CRAFT+ Subscribe INTRODUCTION TO GRANT WRITING and CRAFT EXECUTIVE INFO SESSION OCT 10th @ 6:30PM Register Free LEADERSHIP STARTS HERE Stream Live and On Demand classes with a subscription to CRAFT Family, LUX or Executive. Plus, take advantage of Live Coaching, Articles, Bootcamps, and monthly CRAFT Cafe Live shows with complimentary access to CRAFT+. ማርኬቲንግ እና ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ንግድ እና ፋይናንስ የቤተሰብ ተሳትፎ እና ትምህርት መሪነት መሪነት ማርኬቲንግ እና ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ንግድ እና ፋይናንስ የቤተሰብ ተሳትፎ እና ትምህርት መሪነት መሪነት COMPARE PLANS Anchor Membership billed annually billed annually billed annually billed monthly Premium Articles - Members Only ማርኬቲንግ እና ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ $99 $349 $1,744 Stream webinars on your computer, phone or App CRAFT Cafe Live Discounts on events, services and experiences 10% Off 10% Off 20% Off 30% Off 6x per year Unlimited 10x per year Live One-on-One Coaching via Zoom መሪነት Join CRAFT+ Stream CRAFT+ only Annual Plans Watch Live CRAFT webinars and include CRAFT+ for one annual price. *Subscription required for CRAFT+. Terms and Conditions Apply. Your subscription will auto-renew at the then-current price for your subscription. Plan automatically renews until cancelled. Yearly plans begin on signup. Live webinars, Bootcamps and Live Coaching are not applicable to CRAFT+ subscriptions, if purchased separately. HAVE QUESTIONS? What is CRAFT+? Elevate your leadership with CRAFT+, a distinguished learning hub for early educators. Unlock elite articles, exclusive webinars, and connect in a private community of peers. Streamline growth with our content-rich platform and app, tailored for leaders, educators, and administrators committed to excellence in early learning. As a CRAFT member, do I have access to the online virtual platform? Absolutely, upon launch, all existing CRAFT members will be given complimentary access to CRAFT+ to stream pre-recorded content. Watch Now As a CRAFT+ member, can I attend Live CRAFT classes and multi-day Bootcamps? Not exactly. With your CRAFT+ membership, you will not have access to Live webinars nor Bootcamps, but CRAFT Cafe Live is available. CRAFT Cafe Live is a live and interactive experience for members of the early childhood community to discuss relevant topics and interact with pioneers that are blazing a trail. Learn more What type of content does CRAFT+ offer and what makes it unique for the early childhood education community? From leadership courses to marketing and everything in between, CRAFT+ covers the topics that matter most to you as a leader. Upon launch, CRAFT+ offers over 50 pre-recorded courses for educators and leaders within the early learning community. CRAFT+ members can access articles and lectures that are pre-recorded by experts in various fields including early childhood education. Each month, new webinars are uploaded to the platform to keep the learning experience fresh and relevant. How much does CRAFT+ cost? CRAFT+ starts at $4.99 monthly, which unlocks unlimited access to all pre-recorded courses, including new courses that will be added each month. CRAFT+ now offers an annual membership starting $39.99. What is the cancellation policy? You can cancel your membership at any time. We offer a 7 day money back guarantee for CRAFT+ (Monthly) and a 30 day money-back guarantee for CRAFT+ (Annual). When you cancel, CRAFT+ will stop charging your payment method for the following billing cycle. JOIN NOW በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ አቅራቢዎችን እና የባለሙያ ደረጃ አስተማሪዎችን ይቀላቀሉ የንግድ ግቦችዎ ላይ እንዲደርሱ ለማገዝ ጥልቅ ክፍሎች። የ 30 ቀን ገንዘብ ተመላሽ ዋስትና። guarantee. CRAFT+ includes a 7 day money-back guarantee, if purchased separately. 100% Money-Back Guarantee. ​ ​ Have A Great Idea For A Webinar? Our team would love to hear what topics are most important to you. Take 3 minutes to fill out this form, and help our team continue to help other leaders get the tools, information and courses they need to spark change. Submit a topic Check out all the benefits in your CRAFT membership account. Log In Log in to view your member account. Upcoming Live Webinar CRAFT Webinar Choose from 3 plans with Live webinars. Starting at $5/month for CRAFT+ REGISTER FREE OCT 10 @ 6:30 PM ተገናኝ (443) 561-5796 CRAFT ካፌ በፌስቡክ ቀጥታ ስርጭት ​ CRAFT ካፌ ቀጥታ ይቀላቀሉ ​ በ Instagram ላይ CRAFT ን ይከተሉ ​ አዳዲስ ክፍሎች ሲጀምሩ እና በ CRAFT ካፌ ቀጥታ ስርጭት ሲቆሙ እንደተዘመኑ ይቆዩ። © 2017-2023 በ Better Futures LLC. Download App

  • Early Childhood Education | Better Futures, LLC | Washington

    HOME WATCH Explore CRAFT+ Subscribe We take care of you. Our new Virtual mentors program gives you access to the nation’s top mentors who can support anything from establishing a budget to opening a new location. Speak to a top mentor online and get personalized, high-quality support from anywhere - focused on you. Try it Today Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results *If we’re unable to help you or provide support, we’ll offer a full refund. Members Portal Group Training Shop 50-minute Intro Coaching starting at $49. Try it Today! 50-minute Intro Coaching starting at $49. Try it Today! አገልግሎቶች Our membership includes: Unlimited in-app messaging Message your mentoring team to get the support you need before, after, or between visits. Online customer care team Online same day appointment booking From billing questions to crisis management issues, our care team will help guide you every step of the way. No more long waits. Access guidance and advice whenever you need it. How it Works Convenient Virtual Visits በBetter Futures አላማችን ደንበኞችን መተባበር እና ማዳመጥ፣የቢዝነስ ልምዶችን ከቅድመ ልጅነት ትምህርት ጋር በማገናኘት የጥራት ደረጃዎችን ማሳደግ ነው። Team meetings are led by one of our mentors who will guide your team through a series of relevant topics and identify specific recommendations to improve operations or business outcomes using our advanced tools that ensure everyone is on the same page. Individual Visits Team Visits Become a Mem ber See Our Impact Demonstrating the Highest Standard of Quality Where Early Learning Expertise meets Business. At Better Futures, we put the client first in our virtual mentoring program for early learning leaders. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of confidentiality and improving client outcomes blending over 75 years of experience in a way that is refreshing and thought-provoking for every business that we encounter. We take a deep dive to help your childcare business rise up and battle extinction level events in 2023 and beyond. Tap into the minds of Dr. Robert Gundling, Jahi B. Davis, MBA and other members of the team. Recent Calls: Staff Termination Access to Capital Program Expansion Grants Nonprofit Application HR & Legal Questions Opening a Line of Credit Company Benefits How to apply for SBA Loans INTRODUCTION TO GRANT WRITING and CRAFT EXECUTIVE INFO SESSION OCT 10th @ 6:30PM Register Free BETTER FUTURES VALUES AT THE HEART OF WHAT WE DO IS BUILD RELATIONSHIPS BASED ON TRUST. TRUTH RESPECT CURIOSITY CONTINUOS IMPROVEMENT TRUST Anchor Truth Anchor 69 Download App

  • CRAFT By Better Futures

    Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results Features & Benefits Document መሪዎች የሚሠሩበት ቦታ ይህ ነው። Grant Writing & Board Leadership Training Access to 1-on-1 Grant Writing Services የ CRAFT ኮርሶች በጃንዋሪ 2022 ይጀምራሉ Membership at a Glance Getting Started Program Guidelines Membership at a Glance Payment Plans Now Available Getting Started CRAFT Executive provides an essential road map to success for any nonprofit leaders who seek to build the next generation of high-impact organizations. አዳዲስ ክህሎቶችን ለመቆጣጠር ጊዜ, ጥረት እና ዝግጅት ይጠይቃል; አንድ የተዋጣለት የእጅ ባለሙያ ቀን ቀን ከማጥናትና ከመለማመድ የተለየ አይደለም። CRAFT By Better Futures ንግድዎን ለመቆጣጠር፣ ዋና ግምቶችን ለመፈተሽ እና እንደ መጀመሪያ የልጅነት መሪ ችሎታዎን የሚያዳብሩበት ቦታ ሆኖ ተዘጋጅቷል። በመጨረሻ፣ በራስህ የእውቀት ጥረት ልታገኛቸው የማትችላቸው ልምምዶች እና ትምህርቶች ትቀራለህ። እያንዳንዱ ኮርስ የሚዘጋጀው በቤተሰብ፣ በቡድን እና በመሃል ላይ የተመሰረቱ ፕሮግራሞችን ለሚሰሩ የECE ባለሙያዎች ጥቅም ነው። ውስብስብ የባለብዙ ጣቢያ ድርጅቶችን እና አስተዳዳሪዎችን በማስተዳደር እና በመምራት ላይ ያሉ አስተዳዳሪዎች በፖርትፎሊዮቸው ውስጥ ላሉ የፕሮግራሞች ስብስቦች እንደ የቤተሰብ የህፃናት እንክብካቤ ማህበራት እና የንብረት እና ሪፈራል ኤጀንሲዎች። የ CRAFT አባላት አሁን የቀጥታ ክፍሎችን፣ ቀረጻዎችን፣ መሳሪያዎችን፣ አብነቶችን እና የምስክር ወረቀቶችን ለማህበሮቻቸው፣ ማዕከሎቻቸው እና የቤተሰብ እና የቡድን የልጅ እንክብካቤ ፕሮግራሞች ማግኘት ይችላሉ። What You Can Expect: Our 2nd Cohort will begin October 2024. The next phase of CRAFT Executive will be even more exciting as we launch a monthly payment plan model for each member to enroll, for only $69 per month. Our newly launched Program will take a deposit, also known as a Set-Up Fee for $495. After we have received your $495 deposit, you can invite members of your Board to enroll at $69 per month. To ensure Association members receive the necessary support in vital areas such as member growth, increasing member value, starting a 501 (c)3 from scratch or applying for unrestricted grants, we will conduct initial reviews of your nonprofit materials and make recommendations upon enrollments. Plus, you get access to our dedicated Grant Writer and a free-trial to CRAFT Essential, our highly customizable version of CRAFT that provides digital webinars, bootcamps and more to boost member engagement. Ready to take your Association to the next level? What's New: LEARN MORE With the relaunch of CRAFT Executive, we are aiming to support Association Leaders and up to 5 Board members. What this means for you?: When you start a new CRAFT Executive membership ($495), we will ask you, as the Primary Member, for the names and contact information of five additional people that identify as your additional board members. Each Board member will need to enroll individually by joining our Monthly Payment Plan. Monthly Payment Plans are six months and start at $69 per month. Only one enrollment fee ($495) will be required per organization to join CRAFT Executive. Important Procedural Information for Adding Board members to CRAFT Executive Review Our Program Guidelines We've developed our Program Guidelines to help you better assess your organizational readiness before purchasing a CRAFT Executive membership. These guidelines will empower you to better understand how we will support you, your Board members and what expectations we have to ensure your success. Read Program Guidelines TAKE SURVEY The next cohort start date will be announced Oct 10 Anchor 1 Anchor 2 Anchor 3 Anchor 4 INTRODUCTION TO GRANT WRITING and CRAFT EXECUTIVE INFO SESSION OCT 10th @ 6:30PM Register Free ተገናኝ (443) 561-5796 CRAFT ካፌ በፌስቡክ ቀጥታ ስርጭት ​ CRAFT ካፌ ቀጥታ ይቀላቀሉ ​ በ Instagram ላይ CRAFT ን ይከተሉ ​ አዳዲስ ክፍሎች ሲጀምሩ እና በ CRAFT ካፌ ቀጥታ ስርጭት ሲቆሙ እንደተዘመኑ ይቆዩ። © 2017-2023 በ Better Futures LLC.

  • Early childhood + Business has finally come together.

    Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results Checkout General Admission to LiveWAVE Virtual Event and Breakout Sessions. First Name Last Name Email Phone Upgrade your ticket below with Booking Protection ($49.99) to receive a 100% refund if you cannot attend and can provide evidence for one of the reasons in our Terms and Conditions, which you accept with this selection. Select a Ticket Option * Virtual Ticket - $300 Virtual Ticket w/ Booking Protection - $349.99 PURCHASE

  • Early childhood + Business has finally come together.

    Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results Order Summary Please submit to purchase a Virtual Mentors Plan. First Name Last Name Email Phone Position What are your specific focus areas with your new Virtual Mentors Program membership? Available Options: * Individual (Same Day) 50 min. Virtual - $115 Individual (3) 50 min. Virtual - $299 PURCHASE FOLLOW

  • Early childhood + Business has finally come together.

    BETTER FUTURES CONSULTING FUNDRAISING JOIN/RENEW ASSOCIATIONS BETTER FUTURES LEADERSHIP STARTS HERE BETTER FUTURES CRAFT Enjoy $300 New CRAFT LUX+ members Sign up for a CRAFT LUX+ membership with qualifying activities. Get $300 credit annually to support your ECE business. LEARN MORE ለእርስዎ የሚስማማውን CRAFT እቅድ ይምረጡ! WATCH Subscription required for CRAFT+. Plans start at $4.99/month Log In Are you a top consultant interested in reaching new clients? Reach new clients in your area looking for ECE expertise Fill last-minute openings in your schedule Leverage your expertise with a reputable company Partner with Better Futures ​ FEATURED IN THEATRICAL FILM MAGAZINE ​ ​ Not ready to join the movement but want to stay in touch? Sign up for our newsletter to read success stories and experience exciting opportunities within the movement. JOIN MAILING LIST Download App Log in to view your member account. Check out all the benefits in your CRAFT membership portal

  • Business services specifically tailored for the ECE Industry

    Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results እኛ ለማገዝ እዚህ መጥተናል። አገልግሎት ምረጥ እና ምርጡን መፍትሄ እናገኝልሃለን። በስልክ፣ በኢሜል እና በደንበኛ ፖርታል በኩል ለመገናኘት ዝግጁ ነን። ACCESS TO CAPITAL CRITICAL CORE COMPETENCIES BUSINESS PLAN WRITING የሰዓት ሰአታት FAMILY BUSINESS SERVICES EXECUTIVE COACHING COMPANY BENEFITS FEASIBILITY STUDIES GRANT WRITING HR & LEGAL NATIONAL ACCREDITATION NON PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS WEB DESIGN STRATEGIC PLANNING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (ONSITE) STAFF HIRING QUALITY RATING IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS STAFF PERFORMANCE SUCCESSION PLANNING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE VIRTUAL TRAINING WAVE ACCOUNTING BOOTCAMPS FOLLOW FOLLOW

  • Technical Assistance specifically tailored for the ECE Industry

    202.587.5638 Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results Get started using your $300 Marketing credit by submitting a Project Form below. አገልግሎት ምረጥ እና ምርጡን መፍትሄ እናገኝልሃለን። በስልክ፣ በኢሜል እና በደንበኛ ፖርታል በኩል ለመገናኘት ዝግጁ ነን። ስለ የተሻለ የወደፊት ሁኔታ የበለጠ ለማወቅ ወይም ሀ ለመንደፍ እመኛለሁ። ለድርጅትዎ የቴክኒክ ድጋፍ መፍትሄ, ምክክር ቀጠሮ ይያዙ . Industry Expertise We can answer any questions you have with 200 years of experience. Multiple Languages We have a diverse team to answer any questions you have in languages other than English. Request Speaker First Name Last Name Email Phone Address BUSINESS DETAILS: Business Name Type of Business I am considered Contact Phone Number Please provide a brief description below outlining your Project ideas in order to receive a customized Proposal response from a member of our team * By submitting this request, I authorize Better Futures and its business partners to contact me through automated means at the email address and phone number provided. Your consent is not required as a condition of purchasing goods or services. The information in this form will be transmitted to Better Futures over a secure channel. Submit All requests will be responded to within 1 business day. What You Can Expect As Next Steps Step 1: Submit Your Information Provide important details related to how you think we can support your upcoming project. Submit your request using the Consultant Request Form above. Step 2: Schedule Your Appointment A representative will contact you to schedule an appointment and complete an initial consultation. The consultation should take about 30 min. Meeting Fees do not apply. Step 3: Proposal Next, we’ll recommend options that best fit your needs and budget. After reviewing our proposal, we can discuss with you the scope of work to ensure you are committed to our work plan before accepting a deposit. FOLLOW

  • Live WAVE Event 2024 | Better Futures, LLC | Washington

    LiveWAVE 2024 Virtual Event Announced ​ New Date 2/17/24 The LiveWAVE Accounting Bootcamp officially launches in a few short weeks, completely online and demand for this event will be high. We encourage you to book quickly to avoid missing this special event. Registration for this event is limited and tickets are on a first-come, first-served basis; please register today. Capacity is limited to 50 attendees. ​ All sales are final and non-transferable. This event will be live streamed and video after the event will NOT be available to ticket holders and/or CRAFT Members. ​ LiveWAVE tickets do not include access to CRAFT Membership which can be purchased separately. ​ PLAY VIDEO BUY TICKETS This interactive webinar serves as an in-depth, experiential learning course for local, state and national family childcare business owners and staff to learn and understand electronic accounting systems, how tax Accountants and CPAs potentially partner with ECE leaders to play a very important role in your childcare business to make it successful, and how to find, categorize and organize daily transactions to increase your financial performance, run more smoothly and save you precious time. According to the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE), there are one million paid providers caring for children in a home of the provider, caring for three million children from birth to age five in these settings. This webinar is a part of CRAFT Family’s focus area of Financial, Technological and Operational courses that support and empower family childcare businesses across the U.S. Facilitated dialogue and polls will occur throughout the session, to encourage open conversation regarding embedding social media marketing strategies into family based focused ECE program s and to drive the implementation and development of programs with a strong foundation of business practices, the program will cover best practices related to budget management and quarterly tax reporting. Topics of discussion will include: ​ ​​ PRESENTERS: Jahi B. Davis , Chief Financial Officer, Better Futures LLC ​ Robert Gundling , Chief Executive Officer, Better Futures LLC ​ Linda Stroman , V.P. of HR, Talent and Culture, Better Futures LLC ​ MODERATOR: LaToya Riggins , V.P. of Professional Development, CRAFT By Better Futures ​ Date: Saturday, February 17, 2024 Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM ET Length: 6 hours ​ BUY TICKETS ​ On the Day of Your Event, Remember: 1. You can login to the event no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of your event. 2. Live audio will be broadcast through your computer speakers. 3. Once you have joined the event, if you need additional support, please ask the event moderator for assistance via the chat. 4. Attendees are registered on a first come, first served basis; there is no wait list. 5. Virtual events are not recorded and will not be available to ticket holders and/or CRAFT Members. 6. Virtual events are supported by all major browsers. Please make sure yours is up to date. N eed Assistance Please contact the CRAFT By Better Futures at or give us a call 1-443-561-5796 ​ ​ Join The CRAFT Movement JOIN THE MOVEMENT ​ ​ Not ready to join the movement but want to stay in touch? Sign up for our newsletter with success stories and more opportunities to join the CRAFT movement. JOIN MAILING LIST

  • ECE Consulting | Better Futures, LLC | Washington

    202.587.5638 Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results ማማከር የልጅነት ጊዜ እና የንግድ ልምዶችን ያጣመረ ኩባንያ መጥቷል! Better Futures ቴክኒካል እገዛን እና የአንድ ለአንድ መመሪያን ይሰጣል ይህም ደረጃውን ከፍ የሚያደርግ እና የሶስት የተለያዩ ባለድርሻ አካላትን ፍላጎት ያነጣጠረ - ልጆች፣ ሰራተኞች እና ባለቤቶች። Better Futures በቅድመ ልጅነት መስክ እና የንግድ ሥራ አስተዳደርን ወሳኝ አስፈላጊ ገጽታዎች ጋር ጠንቅቀው የሚያውቁ ልዩ ልዩ የቴክኒክ ባለሙያዎችን ፣የሠለጠኑ የፋይናንስ ባለሙያዎችን እና ልምድ ያላቸውን ባለሙያዎችን የሚያቀርብ ልዩ አማካሪ ድርጅት ነው። የእኛ መስራቾች ከፍተኛ ዲግሪ ያላቸው (በቅድመ ልጅነት ትምህርት ዶክትሬት እና በቢዝነስ ማኔጅመንት ማስተርስ) እና ከ65 ዓመታት በላይ የጥምር ልምድ አላቸው። ልጆች እንደ ባለድርሻ አላማችን ለልጆች ትክክለኛውን ነገር ማድረግ ነው። እያንዳንዱ ልጅ መሆን አለበት ከፍተኛ መዳረሻ አላቸው ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ ትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች. ​ የህጻናትን ፍላጎት ለማሟላት የተሻለ የወደፊት ጊዜ ምን ያደርጋል ፡- ግምገማ እና ግምገማ በማስረጃ ላይ የተመሰረተ ሥርዓተ ትምህርት የልምድ ትምህርት የትብብር ጨዋታ ፕሮግራሞች የወላጅ / የቤተሰብ መመሪያ የትምህርት ዘመን እና የቤተሰብ አገልግሎት ፕሮግራሞች የልጆች እና የአዋቂዎች እንክብካቤ የምግብ ፕሮግራም ​ ሠራተኞች እንደ ባለድርሻ አካላት የቅድመ መደበኛ ትምህርት ባለሙያዎች በደንብ የተዘጋጁ፣ ውጤታማ፣ የተለያዩ፣ ማካካሻ እና መደገፍ አለባቸው ብለን እናምናለን። ጥራት ያለው. የሰራተኞችን ፍላጎት ለማሟላት የተሻለ የወደፊት ምን ያደርጋል፡- የባለሙያ ልማት ፕሮግራሞች ቀጣይ የትምህርት ክፍሎች (የሰዓት ሰዓቶች) 120-ሰዓት CDA ስልጠና የቴክኒክ እርዳታ የአፈጻጸም አስተዳደር ስርዓቶች ተሰጥኦ ማግኛ (የዳይሬክተር ደረጃ) የሰራተኞች ምልመላ እና መቅጠር ሂደቶች አዲስ የቅጥር አቀማመጥ ​ ባለቤቶች እንደ ባለድርሻ አካላት አወቃቀሩን እና ስርዓቶችን በሚያመሳስሉ ምርጥ ልምዶች ባለቤቶች ይደገፋሉ ለስላሳ አሠራር ማረጋገጥ ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ መደበኛ ትምህርት ፕሮግራም. የባለቤቶችን ፍላጎት ለማሟላት የተሻለ የወደፊት ምን ያደርጋል፡- ራዕይ፣ ተልዕኮ እና ዋና እሴቶች የንግድ እቅድ እና የአዋጭነት ጥናቶች NAEYC እውቅና የጥራት ደረጃ አሰጣጥ ማሻሻያ ስርዓቶች ሁኔታዊ አመራር ዋና ሥራ አስኪያጅ የምክር ቦርድ ልማት ለትርፍ ያልተቋቋመ ቦርድ ልማት ስልታዊ ዕቅድ ​ Certified Trainin g Marke ti ng & Branding Franchising Financial Management Mergers & Acquisitions Access to Capital ​ Nonprofits as Stakeholders Better Futures supports nonprofit early childhood education programs throughout their journey with extraordinary resou rces both online and in person. What Better Futures does to meet the needs of Nonprofits: Board Retrea ts & ByLaws Vision , Mission & Values Nonprofit Consulting Program Expansion Leadership Training Board Governance Fundraising Campaigns Human Resou rces Perfor mance Man agement Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ​ ​ Strategic Planning Grant Writing Marketing Services Volunteer Mgt. Financial Policies Banking & Lending Interactive Training (On-Site Group Education Child Care Association Support Succession Planning Head Start & Early Head Start Policy Council Development ​ Request On Site Training Request Online Training See Our Impact DISCOVER THE OTHER PROGRAMS - BETTER FUTURES MENTORSHIP NONPROFITS GET SERIOUS ABOUT GROWTH FREE CONSULTATION Don’t wait to take your nonprofit to the next level with our consulting services. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with an experienced Consultant today to start making your dreams a reality. FOLLOW

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    202.587.5638 Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision ማማከር የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision Consulting Services Partners የእኛ አቀራረብ ድምጽ ማጉያ ጠይቅ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ የእኛ አቀራረብ ስልጠና Our Vision Our Vision WAVE Bootcamp Events WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp Testimonials ክፍሎች ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍሎች እና ፕሮግራሞች ክፍል ይውሰዱ Our Vision የእኛ አቀራረብ Our Vision ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ ዕቅዶች እና ዋጋ ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp WAVE Bootcamp ወደ CRAFT እንኳን በደህና መጡ NEWS HOME HOME HOME ድጋፍ በደንበኝነት ምዝገባዎች ይደግፉ የተመላሽ ገንዘብ ጥያቄ የደንበኛ ፖርታል መግዛት አልተቻለም የደንበኝነት ምዝገባን ይቀይሩ ወይም ይሰርዙ ድንገተኛ ግዢ New Page Our Vision Our Vision Our Vision Blog Search Results Igniting Leadership. Empowering Nonprofits. Building Impact. በBetter Futures አላማችን ደንበኞችን መተባበር እና ማዳመጥ፣የቢዝነስ ልምዶችን ከቅድመ ልጅነት ትምህርት ጋር በማገናኘት የጥራት ደረጃዎችን ማሳደግ ነው። See Our Impact . START A NONPROFIT GET STAR TED RAISE MONEY GET STARTE D STRENGTHEN THE BOARD GET STA RTED Peace of mind that doesn't break the bank. Don’t wait to take your nonprofit to the next level with our consulting services. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with an experienced Consultant today to start making your dreams a reality. FREE CONSULTATION Our Vision ራዕያችን ቀጣይነት ያለው የጥራት ማሻሻያ ማነሳሳት፣ የንግድ ልምዶችን ማጠናከር እና ህፃናትን የሚያገለግሉ በፋይናንሺያል ጤናማ ድርጅቶች መፍጠር ነው።

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