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The IRS estimates it takes over 100 hours for a novice to prepare Form 1023. Let us put your application package together! Using your organizational documents, and in consultation with your board of directors, we will complete Form 1023 for you.

ልጆች እንደ ባለድርሻ

አላማችን ለልጆች ትክክለኛውን ነገር ማድረግ ነው።

እያንዳንዱ ልጅ መሆን አለበት  ከፍተኛ መዳረሻ አላቸው

ጥራት ያለው የቅድመ ትምህርት ፕሮግራሞች.  


       Start a Nonprofit 

1023EZ (Streamlined Application for Tax Exemption)

  • Use this option if your organization expects income below $50,000 in each of the first three years.

  • Receive one-year membership with CRAFT+, opening the door to a huge variety of member benefits and resources.

        Start a Nonprofit 

1023 (Long Form Application for Tax Exemption)

  • Use this option if your organization expects income above $50,000 in each of the first three years.

  • Receive one-year membership with CRAFT+, opening the door to a huge variety of member benefits and resources.

      Reinstate a Nonprofit 

Reinstatement of Tax Exempt Status Following Automatic Revocation

  • Use this option if your organization lost tax exemption for failure to file 990s for three consecutive years.



Don’t wait to take your nonprofit to the next level with our consulting services. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation with an experienced Consultant today to start making your dreams a reality. 


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